Very inspiring interview from our friend, partner and great illustrator Seidova Olga aya_a.r.t We ask her to tell a few words about her life, art and why she choose to live in Negros Island in the Philippines instead of France, Denmark and Israel.
Where was you born? Tell us a little about your childhood.
I was born in Cherkassy City, which is located near Dnieper river in the heart of Ukraine. I started travelling from my early childhood. My parents often packed our luggage, put it into the car and hit the road. So in the age of 1,5 years was my first time I saw the sea. Of course I don’t remember it clearly but it was love at first wave. Later every summer I spent in Odessa City in a small fishing village, where my grandmother and me was catching shrimp, mussels and eat them as fast as sunflower seeds.
Is somebody involved in art in your family?
My mother has a good painting skills and her father, my grandfather also did well in drawing. But nobody connected profession with art, so I can say that in my family I was the first artist.
Where did you study?
I’m drawing since I remember myself. My parents still keep my first sketches. I graduated Ukraine university at design faculty. It was really nice period in my life and I would love to return at least one day of that time.
What do you like most to draw?
The most what I like in art process is to create new characters and their surrounding world.
What is your inspiration?

I would really enjoy if my characters settle down in every part of our planet and people would like them. I would also like to share all my knowledge with kids, teach them illustration techniques and everything that I know.
What is your biggest dream?
Travel to space!
What can you advice to beginner artists?
Apart from drawing what is your main hobby?
I love ceramics! Touch and feel clay and create from it strange characters is such fun! My biggest plan for the future is to open my own design pottery.
These cutest candle holders in the shape of dog I created for the 2018 New Year gifting.
And these funny coral creatures appeared into the world after my underwater experience in the Philippines.
Olga's drawings are now available as postcard sets and other gift items in our online shop. You can follow her art in Instagram: aya_a.r.t