Pinspired Art Souvenirs
Lamang Dagat Limited Edition Art Print Book
Lamang Dagat Limited Edition Art Print Book
This Art Print Book is a collection of artworks, each piece portraying the beauty of our precious marine animals. We aim to inspire a sense of wonder and a commitment to their protection. This Art Print Book will bring the beauty of Philippine marine wildlife into homes and hearts, reminding us of our shared responsibility to safeguard these magnificent creatures.
Our art exhibition at ILOMOCA presented an opportunity to connect with numerous Ilonggo artists. We are proud to have expanded our artist network by collaborating with new talents whom we had not previously worked with. Full list of artists of the project.
- Limited to 300 copies;
- Art textured paper 250gsm;
- Easy to tear off glue binding;
- 12 pages;
- 15 fine art prints by 13 Filipino artists;
- Each copy supports Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines;
- Size: A4.

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